
Our Program

CrossRoad Transitional Inc located in Southern California aims to assist individuals with their recovery from alcohol and drug abuse. We are an alcohol and drug free environment. Our facilities contain areas to conduct workshops, group, and private counseling. We offer a recreation room, weight and exercise room with outdoor recreation space and a pool. We offer a place where individuals can heal, become, and stay sober by thoughtfully following a developed individualized treatment plan will learn to cope with many facets that life has to offer.

We are an organization working to reduce drug related offenses, incarceration and homelessness by increasing the chance of staying clean and sober. We help adults from all walks of life, including veterans to end the vicious cycle of their addiction.

CrossRoad Transitional Inc will accept adult men and women over the age of 18 into the program and provide monitored 24 hour residential recovery services in a private setting. This allows us to create a safe, more secured therapeutic and open atmosphere where clients can move towards changed learned behavior.

Our Vision

The purpose of CrossRoad Transitional Inc is to provide comprehensive treatment and therapies for the attainment of a healthy lifestyle obtained through the maintenance of long-term abstinence from drugs and alcohol. this treatment is provided in a zero-tolerance, sober, environment. CrossRoad Transitional Inc is committed to teaching and supporting learned skills and life style changes that will ensure a safe, sober and drug free living environment during and after treatment.

CrossRoad Transitional Inc’s objectives include individual client involvement in their therapies, teaching of behavioral modification techniques and engagement in cognitive behavior skills training to assist in maintaining a drug-free lifestyle well beyond the time spend at CrossRoad Transitional Inc

Mental Health - Misconception

Unfortunately, when it comes to mental health issues, there is often a stigma attached. While a diagnosis of nearly any other kind elicits sympathy and offers of help, depression is still misunderstood by many. In fact, despite all the progress made in this field, 54% of people still see depression as a personal weakness. As a result, many people suffer in silence. Some turn to anti-depressants, which can lessen symptoms, but there is no magic pill to “heal” depression.

A new study completed by two Duke University psychologists suggests there may be twice as many people struggling with mental health issues than previously suspected. Anxiety, depression and substance dependency were all found to be much more common than health professionals thought, according to data from a long-term study of more than 1,000 New Zealanders from birth to age 32. Part of the reason for the discrepancy may be the fact that mental illness is vastly underreported because of the stigma attached to psychological disorders. Studies to track these issues are also costly, which makes them more rare.

Addiction & Depression

Mental health and addiction professionals have long recognized that there is often a connection between mental health issues and addiction. Some struggling with depression or other mental health issues use illegal drugs, alcohol or prescription medication to self-medicate rather than seeking treatment from a trained professional. Then when help is sought, there is an addiction AND a mental health issue to treat.

In these cases, a Dual Diagnosis approach can address both areas at one time, providing the individual a better chance for long-term recovery. An evidence-based treatment model that addresses co-occurring disorders like depression and substance abuse will focus on not just stopping a client’s self-medicating, but on finding out what the individual is using the substance to mask. The professionals then replace that dangerous behavior with new, healthier tools and coping mechanisms to deal with any existing issues. Whether big or small, addressing these underlying issues gives each individual the best possible chance of success in the treatment process and at long-term recovery.

Alcohol Rehab

Alcohol use is tricky because unlike illicit drug use, it’s perfectly acceptable—not to mention legal—to indulge. For many, it’s simply a way to unwind with friends, celebrate life’s victories or enjoy the big game. For others, though, it’s an addiction that is robbing them of their health and well-being, leading to the need for a rehab or treatment program.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, 61% of adults drank alcohol last year. In that same study, 20% of current drinkers admitted to having five or more drinks in one day at least once during that time period. In fact, binge drinking affects 13 million people in the U.S. alone. While we often focus primarily on the dangers of drinking and driving, alcohol can be dangerous to a person even if he or she never gets behind the wheel. In 2006, there were 22,073 alcohol-induced deaths, more than 13,000 of those from alcoholic liver disease.

Alcohol Abuse

One way to know when you’ve crossed the line from casual drinking to alcohol abuse is a pattern of drinking. It affects your relationships, job and family in an adverse way. Problem drinking can also lead to physical injury and legal issues (arrests for driving under the influence are most common). If you’re suffering negative consequences and still can’t stop the behavior that is bringing them on, that’s a sure sign of a problem.

Despite the dangers, every day in the U.S. more than 13,000 children and teens take their first drink. American youth who drink before the of age 15 are four times more likely to become alcoholics than young people who do not drink before the age of 21. In the college years, the dangers continue. More than 150,000 U.S. college students develop alcohol-related health problems.